Camp Report

Amar Jyoti Institute of Physiotherapy, University of Delhi conducted a one day camp on occasion of World Physiotherapy Day, 8th September 2022 at Amar Jyoti rehabilitation and research centre. This camp was conducted to examine the physical fitness level and to teach individualized exercise program.

Various testing methods were used to examine body composition ,muscle strength ,endurance, flexibility and balance.  A software based machine (Body composition  analysis) was used to analysis fat percentage and lean body weight.  Hand held dynamometer was used for checking muscle strength of shoulder rotators, knee and hip extensors , bilateral hand grips whereas body flexibility was tested via sit and reach test . Curl ups in 90-90 position and Superman position in prone was used to determine flexor and extensor muscle endurance respectively. Time duration for which a person can stand on single leg without support was used to examine balance. Total number of 50 participants was tested and each of them is advised for home exercise programs according to their needs.

Participant finding of this camp suggests that most of the participants are having less upper limb muscle strength as compared to lower limb muscles. Similarly finding also suggest that females have less flexibility, more fat percentage and poor balance when compared with males. Also direct linkage was found to be established between increase body fat percentage , fat weight with aging in females.

   It is conducted by Dr Preksha (PT), Dr Mansi(PT) ,Dr Tarun(PT) and Dr Jeyanthi (PT),